Crème Brûlée


4 egg yolks

400ml heavy cream

50g sugar and more if you like sweater

1 vanilla bean or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • Blend together egg yolks and sugar
  • On medium heat warm up heavy cream to boiling point and add vanilla. If you are adding vanilla bean, cut it along, scrape out the seeds and add to the heavy cream. If your are using vanilla extract just add it to heavy cream
  • Slowly stir heavy cream to egg yolks, when it cools down a little bit. Otherwise eggs will curdle, we need to avoid it!!!
  • Then strain the mixture through sieve
  • Now pour the mixture into ramekins, this mixture is perfect for 6 ramekins with 9cm diameter and 120ml
  • Place the ramekins in a baking dish and add hot water to halfway up their outsides
  • Bake for 45 minutes at 150C
  • When creme brulee is room temperature, refrigerate for 4 up to 3 days

The most exiting part, burn before serving

Add a teaspoon sugar on custard and burn sugar by torch, you will get nice crunchy layer of caramelized sugar.

Visit IG of FB account to see the process. Good luck for new baking adventures.