Easter Carrot Cake


For dough:

3 eggs

100g sugar

1 orange zest

1/2 orange juice

100ml any vegetarian oil (sunflower, corn)

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

400g grated carrots

100g walnuts

1 teaspoon baking soda

220g flour

Pinch of salt


220g cream cheese

220g heavy cream

50g icing sugar



· Beat eggs with sugar until white and smooth with a mixer.      

· Add orange zest and juice, vegetarian oil, then cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix

everything once again.

·  Stir in walnuts and grated carrots.

· Add flour and baking soda to the batter trough sieve.

· Take 20cm springform and pure half of batter.

·  Bake the layer at 180C for 30-35 minutes. As all ovens differ, please, Check it with toothpick, it should come out dry and clean.


· Beat icing sugar and cream cheese with a mixer. 

· Separately beat heavy cream until stiff peaks.

· Combine together heavy cream with cream cheese mixture.

The final step of the cake is to assembly it and make decoration. Think well and use different tools and decorations and your cake will look much better!!!!