Tart Tatin with Apricots

Ready Caramel in a quiche form


10 apricots

Dough - pâte brisée

300g flour

150g butter

1 egg

50g water

1 teaspoon salt


100g sugar

50g butter


  • Dough - combine all ingredients, form a ball and chill it in the fridge for 20 minutes
  • For caramel - put sugar, then butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Don't stir, wait until it turns brown and smells a little like burnt sugar, but PLEASE don't burn it)))
  • Pure caramel into a quiche form, nicely place apricots
  • Roll out the dough, place over the apricots, make sure that the dough goes tidily inside by edges
  • Poke the pastry with fork
  • Bake about 30 minutes at the temperature 180C
  • Serve with vanilla ice cream. So delicious!

*- Wash the caramel pot with cold water.

*-This proportion of dough is enough for a quiche with 30cm diameter. I never throw away leftover dough. Every time I collect and keep it in the freezer. When there is enough dough, I bake a quiche or a tart.